IASI, 11 October 2017
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 21-23 Prof.Mangeron str., Iasi – 700050
Chairmen: Alecsandru SIMION, Cristian FOSALAU
158 | FEM-based Analysis on the Operation of Three-Phase Induction Motor connected to Six-Phase Supply System Part 1 – Operation under healthy conditions | Iasi Session | LEONARD LIVADARU, ALEXANDRA BOBU, ADRIAN MUNTEANU, BOGDAN VÎRLAN, ALECSANDRU SIMION |
160 | FEM-based Analysis on the Operation of Three-Phase Induction Motor connected to Six-Phase Supply System Part 2 – Study on fault-tolerance capability | Iasi Session | LEONARD LIVADARU, ALEXANDRA BOBU, ADRIAN MUNTEANU, BOGDAN VÎRLAN, ALECSANDRU SIMION |
427 | A LoRaWAN: Long Range Wide Area Networks Study | Iasi Session | ALEXANDRU LAVRIC, VALENTIN POPA |
628 | Inventics and the Iasi School of Invention. Contribution of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering | Iasi Session | LORIN CANTEMIR, GABRIEL CHIRIAC, DORIN LUCACHE |
632 | Comparative Study of the Level of Awareness of E-Waste Management in Romania and Republic of Moldova | Iasi Session | GEORGIANA LUCACHE, ADRIAN TURCANU, DORIN LUCACHE, ILIE NUCA |
638 | Risks in the management of solar power plant projects | Iasi Session | IOSEF ELIA, DORIN LUCACHE, MARCEL ISTRATE, VALENTIN NITA |
CHISINAU, 12 October 2017
Rectorate, 168 Ştefan cel Mare Blvd., Chisinau
Technical University of Moldova, (Block 1)
Chairmen: Dorin LUCACHE, Ilie NUCĂ, Sergiu IVANOV
Elevator Drives Present Trends and Perspectives | Plenary 1 | BRANKO BLANUŠA | |
The electrical power quality in isolated micro-networks | Plenary 2 | NICOLAE GOLOVANOV, GEORGE CRISTIAN LĂZĂROIU | |
”Republic of Latvia: trends in development of the national power system and the training of young professionals” | Plenary 3 | INGA ZICMANE, KRISTINA BERZINA |
CHISINAU, 13 October 2017
Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, no.78, 31 August str.
Technical University of Moldova, (Block 2)
Automation, Robots and Mechatronics
Room 2-218 (9h00-11h00)
Chairmen: Irina COJUHARI, Teodor PANĂ,
124 | Hybrid Petri Nets; a Framework for Hybrid Systems Modeling | Automation, Robots and Mechatronics | MIRCEA ADRIAN DRIGHICIU |
321 | Automatic Temperature Control in 3D Printing of the Polymer Details | Automation, Robots and Mechatronics | IRINA COJUHARI, ION FIODOROV, BARTOLOMEU IZVOREANU, DUMITRU MORARU, SORIN BOTNARU |
421 | Analysis of the Control Action of the Epitaxial Layers Growing in the Automatic System with PID Controller | Automation, Robots and Mechatronics | SIMION BARANOV, ION FIODOROV, IRINA COJUHARI, MAXIM GLINCA |
477 | Simultaneous Estimation of Speed and Rotor Resistance in the Sensorless Vector Control Systems with Induction Motors | Automation, Robots and Mechatronics | OLIMPIU STOICUTA, TEODOR PANA, ROBIN MOLNAR, DANIEL DEACONU |
592 | Time Delay Evaluation in Printed Circuit Boards based on Timed Hard Petri Nets | Automation, Robots and Mechatronics | SUDACEVSCHI VIORICA, ABABII VICTOR, CALUGARI DMITRI, BORDIAN DIMITRIE |
593 | Wavelet Transform and Neural Network Based Control Strategy for Hybrid Energy System | Automation, Robots and Mechatronics | ALINA-GEORGIANA BACIU, GHEORGHE LIVINT |
601 | Manufacturing and Clinically Testing Embedded Electrodes in Knitted Textiles for Neurorehabilitation | Automation, Robots and Mechatronics | MARIAN-SILVIU POBORONIUC, DANUT IRIMIA, IOANA POBORONIUC, BOGDAN IGNAT, ANTONELA CURTEZA, LAURA MACOVEI, VIORICA CRETU, MARIA BUZDUGAN |
Electrical Apparatus & Reliability and Diagnosis
Room 2-126 (9h00-11h00)
Chairmen: Adrian PLEȘCA, Valeriu BOSNEAGA
24 | 18-pulse Transformer Device for Flexible Connection of Asynchronous Power Systems | Electrical Apparatus | VALERIU BOSNEAGA, VICTOR SUSLOV |
150 | Aspects Regarding Controlled Switching of the Vacuum Circuit Breaker | Electrical Apparatus | ELVIS BOGHIU, ADAM MARICEL, MIHAI ANDRUSCA, ALIN DRAGOMIR, ADRIAN MUNTEANU |
178 | About Monitoring of Joint Coils from Electric Traction Railway | Electrical Apparatus | ADRIAN MUNTEANU, MARICEL ADAM, MIHAI ANDRUŞCĂ, ALIN DRAGOMIR, ELVIS BOGHIU |
266 | Heating System for Industrial Applications | Electrical Apparatus | COSMIN-GEORGIAN PINTILIE, ADRIAN PLESCA |
503 | Comparative Study of the Vibrating Armature and Rotary Vane Pumps | Electrical Apparatus | ADRIAN TURCANU |
595 | Considerations Regarding Infrared Thermal Stresses Monitoring of Electrical Equipment | Electrical Apparatus | A. DRAGOMIR, M. ADAM, M. ANDRUŞCĂ, A. MUNTEANU, E. BOGHIU |
52 | Reduction of power consumption for cathodic protection of reinforced concrete pillars | Reliability and Diagnosis | IGOR COLESNIC, VLADIMIR ANISIMOV, SVEATOSLAV POSTORONCA, VICTOR ANISIMOV |
602 | A Theoretical Result on Stabilizability of Oxygen Excess Ratio for PEM Fuel Cell | Reliability and Diagnosis | MOUSTAPHA NIANE, MOHAMED ZERROUGUI, RACHID OUTBIB |
608 | A Note on Leakage Diagnosis for an Irrigation Network | Reliability and Diagnosis | T. MARZOUGUI, S. BENELGHALI, R. OUTBIB, F. DOUMENC |
Electrical Machines
Room 2-117 (9h00-11h00)
Chairmen: Tudor AMBROS, Aurel CAMPEANU
6 | Locus Diagrams of Net Magnetic Field Vector of Dual Winding Induction Motor | Electrical Machines | ALI IHSAN CANAKOGLU, MEHMET MURAT TEZCAN, ASIM GÖKHAN YETGIN, BARIŞ CEVHER, MUSTAFA TURAN |
13 | 3D FEM Validation of Homo-Heteropolar Synchronous Machine for Wind or Hydro Applications | Electrical Machines | MARCEL TOPOR, SORIN IOAN DEACONU, LUCIAN NICOLAE TUTELEA, ILIE NUCĂ, MARCEL BURDUNIUC |
66 | Analysis of One Phase Special Electrical Machines using Finite Element Method | Electrical Machines | MEHMET MURAT TEZCAN, ALI IHSAN CANAKOGLU, ASIM GÖKHAN YETGIN, BARIŞ CEVHER, MUSTAFA TURAN, AYHAN GÜN |
277 | Experimental Tests Regarding Diagnosis of Some Faults of Car Alternators | Electrical Machines | SORIN ENACHE, ION VLAD, AUREL CAMPEANU, MONICA-ADELA ENACHE |
285 | Study of Direct-on-Line Starting of Low Power Asynchronous Motors | Electrical Machines | ION VLAD, SORIN ENACHE, AUREL CAMPEANU, MONICA-ADELA ENACHE |
547 | Method of the Parameters Determination of the Asynchronous Motor | Electrical Machines | TUDOR AMBROS, IAZLOVETCHI LEONID, BURDUNIUC MARCEL, IAZLOVETCHI MARIA |
551 | Simulation of Asynchronous Motor Tests on the Simpowersystems Program Base | Electrical Machines | IAZLOVETCHI LEONID, BURDUNIUC MARCEL, IAZLOVETCHI MARIA, RUJANSCHI DUMITRU |
561 | Optimization of a Method to Evaluate the Fundamental Frequency in Real Time | Electrical Machines | VOINEA RADU COCIU, LIVIA COCIU |
587 | Optimizing the Design of an Asynchronous Motor Used in the Drive System of a Multiple Unit Train | Electrical Machines | PRESURĂ RALUCA-CRISTINA, VLAD ION, NICOLAE MARIAN-ŞTEFAN, NICOLAE PETRE-MARIAN |
Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits
Room 2-229 (9h00-11h00)
Chairmen: Camelia PETRESCU, Petre-Marian NICOLAE, Mihai IORDACHE
56 | Three-phase voltage generator for stands in the research concerning devices models for energy systems interconnection | Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits | V.M. POSTOLATY, A.S. SUVOROV, V.K. ANISIMOV |
60 | Low Frequency Electromagnetic Shielding Solutions | Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits | CONSTANTIN BEIU, NICOLAE GOLOVANOV, CORNEL TOADER, GEORGETA BUICA |
327 | SYSEG – Symbolic State Equation Generation | Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits | MIHAI IORDACHE, SORIN DELEANU, CIPRIAN CURTEANU, NECULAI GALAN, ATANASIE MOSCU |
457 | Using Differential Evolution Algorithms for the Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits | Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits | CAMELIA PETRESCU, OLGA PLOPA |
483 | The influence of long transmission lines on the overvoltage distribution across power transformer windings | Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits | CIPRIAN CURTEANU, SORIN DELEANU, MIHAI IORDACHE, GLORIA CIUMBULEA, NECULAI GALAN |
583 | Considerations On Radiated Emission Measurements for a Laptop in a Semi-Anechoic Chamber | Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits | LIVIA-ANDREEA DINA, PETRE-MARIAN NICOLAE, IONUț DANIEL SMĂRĂNDESCU, VIORICA VOICU |
599 | Shielding Effectiveness Evaluation Using a Non-Standardized Method | Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits | VIORICA VOICU, ION PĂTRU, LIVIA-ANDREEA DINA, PETRE-MARIAN NICOLAE, IONUȚ DANIEL SMĂRĂNDESCU |
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources
Room 2-222 (9h00-11h00) & (11h30-13h30)
Chairmen: Ion BOSTAN, Gheorghe MANOLEA
70 | Integration of Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Improved Efficiency and Flexibility of the Combined Heat and Power Plants of Medium and Small Power | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | PAVEL ATĂNĂSOAE, RADU PENTIUC, CRENGUȚA BOBRIC, ELENA OLARIU, VALENTIN MARTIN |
162 | Estimation of the wind power plants capacity to be integrated in actual power system of Moldova | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | MIHAI TÎRŞU, DMITRII ZAIŢEV, IRINA GOLUB, LEV CALININ, GEORGE CRISTIAN LAZAROIU |
194 | Mobile Prototype with Solar Panels for Rehabilitation of Natural Reservations Lakes | Poster Session | VICTORITA RADULESCU |
198 | Environmental Solution with Renewable to restore the Capacity of the Hydropower Lakes | Poster Session | BOGDAN ALEXANDRU RADULESCU, VICTORITA RADULESCU |
281 | Influence of energy characteristics of biogas obtained by anaerobic fermentation of animal proteins on combustion performance | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | LĂZĂROIU GHEORGHE, MIHĂESCU LUCIAN, MAVRODIN MĂDĂLINA, BONDREA ANDREYA |
293 | The Wind Energy Resources Atlas of the Republic of Moldova and its use | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | ION SOBOR, VASILE RACHIER, ANDREI CHICIUC |
313 | Coordinated Reactive Power Control of DFIG to Improve LVRT Characteristics of FSIG in Wind Turbine Generation | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | MINH QUAN DUONG, GABRIELA NICOLETA SAVA |
389 | A Hybrid System Implementation for Residential Cluster | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | CATALINA ALEXANDRA SIMA, GEORGE CRISTIAN LAZAROIU, VIRGIL DUMBRAVA, MIHAI TIRSU |
Room 2-222 (9h00-11h00) & (11h30-13h30)
Chairmen: Valeriu DULGHERU, Ion SOBOR
393 | Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction by Renewable Energy Employment in Romania | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | DANA-ALEXANDRA CIUPĂGEANU, GHEORGHE LĂZĂROIU, MIHAI TÎRȘU |
409 | Contributions to the development of the Romanian anti-hail system | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | GHEORGHE MANOLEA, LAURENTIU ALBOTEANU, SORIN STEPAN |
439 | The Impacts of Distributed Generation Penetration into the Power System | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | MINH QUAN DUONG, NGOC THIEN NAM TRAN, GABRIELA NICOLETA SAVA, MIRCEA SCRIPCARIU |
537 | Mathematical Modeling of Hydrodinamic Processes in the Rotors of Flow Micro-Hydropower Plants | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | VIOREL BOSTAN, ION BOSTAN, VALERIU DULGHERU, MAXIM VACULENCO, OLEG CIOBANU |
539 | Study of the Aerodynamics of Wind Rotors with Horisontal Axis: Design, Manufacture, Testing | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | VIOREL BOSTAN, ION BOSTAN, VALERIU DULGHERU, ION SOBOR, MAXIM VACULENCO, VITALIE GLADÎS |
575 | Photovoltaic Pump System Design for Small Irrigation | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | ION SOBOR |
612 | Monitoring Photovoltaic Parks for Damage Prevention and Optimal Operation | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources | CRISTIAN GYOZO HABA |
Engineering Education and Evocations
& Workshop „E-learning methods (Moodle) utilization in the Moldovan universities”
Room 2-137 (11h30-13h30)
Chairmen: Petru TODOS, Cătălin Daniel GĂLĂȚANU
204 | The Educational Responsibility in Rapid Implementation of European Policy Concerning Energy Market | Engineering Education and Evocations | BOGDAN ALEXANDRU RADULESCU, VICTORITA RADULESCU |
443 | The quality of online courses in the students perception | Engineering Education and Evocations | TODOS PETRU, CRISTINA GHENCEA, VIRLAN PETRU |
447 | Three-dimensional models’ using in courses placed on Moodle platform | Engineering Education and Evocations | SHULETEA ANGELA, DINTU SERGIU, VIRLAN PETRU |
491 | Trajectories in the Competence Field | Engineering Education and Evocations | GALATANU CATALIN DANIEL |
591 | Direct and reverse start of the servomotor with LabView | Engineering Education and Evocations | PETRU VÎRLAN |
596 | Quality assurance in online education – in the TUM experience | Engineering Education and Evocations | PETRU TODOS, PETRU VÎRLAN, CRISTINA GHENCEA |
605 | New Opportunities for Internship for the Technical University of Moldova’ Students | Engineering Education and Evocations | ILIE NUCA, MARCEL BURDUNIUC, IURIE NUCA , ANA GRIGORITA, VALERIA MIRCO |
Metrology and Measurement Systems
Room 2-137 (9h00-11h00)
Chairmen: Andrei CHICIUC, Adrian GRAUR
108 | Cloud system for diabetic data analysis | Metrology and Measurement Systems | LUCIAN NIȚĂ |
164 | Analysis of the performance of the mark-space method for determining the power in single-phase circuits | Metrology and Measurement Systems | CONSTANTIN DANIEL OANCEA |
289 | Unbundled Smart meters in the new smart grid era – Assessment on compatibility with European standardization efforts | Metrology and Measurement Systems | MIHAI SANDULEAC, LUCIAN TOMA |
317 | The image analysis of Moldavian oak chips | Metrology and Measurement Systems | IGOR CHICIUC, DANIEL URSU, ANDREI CHICIUC |
515 | Luminance Measurement For Light Pollution Reduction | Metrology and Measurement Systems | GĂLĂȚANU CATALIN DANIEL |
553 | Limits and Usability of Fast Fourier, Discrete Wavelet and Wavelet Packet Transforms Applied at Signals from a Primary Winding of a Locomotive Transformer | Metrology and Measurement Systems | ILEANA-DIANA NICOLAE, RADU-FLORIN MARINESCU, PETRE-MARIAN NICOLAE, MARIA DIANA CRISTINA |
600 | Study of a Tiredness Identification System | Metrology and Measurement Systems | DAN LAURENȚIU MILICI, ADRIAN GRAUR, MIHAELA POIENAR, MIHAI CENUȘĂ, ANDREI BARASCU |
Power Electronics and Drives
Room 2-219 (9h00-11h00)
Chairmen: Valentin OLESCHUK, Alexandru BITOLEANU
10 | Comparison of Reference Current Generation Techniques for Shunt Active Power Filter | Power Electronics and Drives | IKRAM ULLAH, MUHAMMAD ASHRAF AND ABDUR REHMAN |
92 | Development of induction motor torque control algorithm for electric vehicles on inclined roads | Power Electronics and Drives | YAVUZ USER, NILAY TABANLI |
128 | Synchronous Undermodulation Control Modes of System with Three PWM Converters | Power Electronics and Drives | VALENTIN OLESCHUK, GIOVANNI GRIVA, ADEL DERISZADEH, VICTORIA BURCENCO |
325 | Interdependence between the harmonics of the output and input currents to a three phase rectifier bridge | Power Electronics and Drives | MITICA IUSTINIAN NEACA |
337 | Increasing Power Quality in a 6-pulse DC-Traction Substation | Power Electronics and Drives | MIHAELA POPESCU, ALEXANDRU BITOLEANU, VLAD SURU, AND MIRCEA DOBRICEANU |
435 | Set-up and Implementation of a Recuperative Stand for Testing a Filtering and Regeneration System | Power Electronics and Drives | ALEXANDRU BITOLEANU, MIHAELA POPESCU, VLAD CONSTANTIN SURU, OANA PUNCEA |
473 | Control algorithm design and implementation for a bidirectional PWM boost rectifier | Power Electronics and Drives | CONSTANTIN VLAD SURU, MIHAITA LINCA, CRISTINA ALEXANDRA PREDA |
487 | The drive system optimization of single screw extruder to control thickness of insulation | Power Electronics and Drives | VADIM CAZAC |
624 | Laboratory Board for Study the Half-Bridge Power Electronic Converters | Power Electronics and Drives | DANIEL STICEA, MIHAI ALBU, GABRIEL CHIRIAC |
Power Generation, Transport and Distribution
Room 2-230 (9h00-11h00) & (11h30-13h30)
Chairmen: Valentin ARION, Vitaly POSTOLATY
38 | Consolidated mettering on the client side for industrial and home utilities | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | ADRIAN DANILA |
42 | Chisinau CHP-1 Retrofitting by the Process of Installing Gas Turbines | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | CORINA GUŢU-CHETRUŞCA, AUREL GUŢU |
46 | High-Efficiency Electronic Transformer for Powering Individual Consumers from the Medium Voltage Grid | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | VLADIMIR BERZAN, ERMURACHI IURIE |
64 | Short-term forecasts of fuels consumption in the analysis of energy security | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | ELENA BICOVA, VLADIMIR BERZAN, MIHAIL GRODETSKY |
72 | Analysis of the state and methods for increasing the efficiency of operation of district heating system in the Chisinau municipality | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | GENNADY OCLANSCHI, VLADIMIR BABICH, VLADIMIR BERZAN,VITALY POSTOLATY |
74 | Analysis of the Impact of Tariff Levels on Energy and Other Services on Macroeconomic Indicators | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | TATIANA GUTIUM, VITALY POSTOLATY, ELENA BYKOVA, МIHAIL GRODETSKIY |
78 | The Estimation of the Technical And Financial Indicators of Exploitation of the Thermoelectric and Thermal Power Plants with Variable Load | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | BERZAN VLADIMIR, BABICI VLADIMIR, POSTOLATI VITALY, BYCOVA ELENA |
132 | Fuzzy Control of cooling water pumps related to a Power Plant | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | DANIELA POPESCU, CRISTIAN BRATU, RADU CRISTIAN DINU |
Room 2-230 (9h00-11h00) & (11h30-13h30)
Chairmen: , Ion STRATAN, Mihai TÎRȘU
202 | Permanent Energetic Management a Solution in Rehabilitation of Small Hydropower Plants | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | VICTORITA RADULESCU |
341 | Evaluation of the minimum operating duration of cogeneration units that could ensure economic viability | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | ARION VALENTIN, CHELMENCIUC CORINA, NEGURA CĂLIN |
461 | Voltage Profile Improvement in Electricity Distribution Networks – A Genetic Algorithm Benchmark Study | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | OVIDIU IVANOV, BOGDAN NEAGU, MIHAI GAVRILAȘ |
465 | A Comprehensive Solution for Optimal Capacitor Allocation Problem in Real Distribution Networks | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | BOGDAN NEAGU, OVIDIU IVANOV, MIHAI GAVRILAȘ |
527 | Aspects on Choosing and Exploiting in Economic Conditions the MV Electrical Power Transformers | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | MIRCEA-EMILIAN ARDELEANU, DAN GABRIEL STĂNESCU, CRISTIAN MINCULESCU, ŞTEFAN POPA |
543 | Analysis of the actual situation regarding the methods of processing the neutral in the 6-35 kV networks | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | INA DOBREA, CORNOVAN IRINA |
571 | Methodical approach to weak buses and ties detection in a power system | Power Generation, Transport and Distribution | ION STRATAN, TUDOR RADILOV, MARIN PRIPA, VICTOR GROPA |
CHISINAU, 12 October 2017
Technical University of Moldova, Rectorate (Block 1), 168 Ştefan cel Mare Blvd., Chisinau
Chairmen: Calin MUNTEANU, Sergiu IVANOV, Alexandru TARLAJANU, Radu PENTIUC, Gheorghe LĂZĂROIU, Cristian Gyozo HABA, Sorin Ioan DEACONU, Virginia IVANOV
17 | The model of places for recreation and relaxation of the people taking into account the urboecological aspects of evolution of the modern city | Poster Session | INGA ZICMANE, KRISTINA BERZINA, JEVGENIJS KUCKOVSKIS, NATALIJA BERZINA-NOVIKOVA, ILGA ZICMANE |
82 | The potential of micro grids concept implementation in the Republic of Moldova | Poster Session | SVEATOSLAV POSTORONCA, MIHAI TIRSU |
84 | Analysis concerning replication of PV projects in the Republic of Moldova | Poster Session | MIHAI LUPU, MIHAI TIRSU |
88 | Numerical Model for a Plunger-Type AC Electromagnet | Poster Session | IOAN POPA, ALIN IULIAN DOLAN |
96 | Actuating and Controlling Electrical Circuits by means of Virtual Instruments | Poster Session | COSTEL DONOSE, CRISTINA-MIHAELA SCHREINER, ALEXANDRU-CONSTANTIN PODARU, IONEL PAVEL |
122 | Electromagnetic actuator with ferromagnetic disk and magnetic spring suspension | Poster Session | NICU-BOGDAN GÎRTAN, RADU OLARU |
136 | Camera Calibration and Tracking for Gimballed Like Eye Structure in Robots with Hardware Implementation | Poster Session | ABDUL REHMAN YASIN, MUHAMAMD ASHRAF, ADRIAN PLESCA, SHAHZAD AHMAD, RUDANIA NASIRULLAH, HUMA NASEER, MUHAMMAD ADAM |
144 | Analysis of a Cable Connection Failure Causing Arcflash on 10.7 MW Recycle Compressor Motor | Poster Session | ADRIAN APARASCHIVEI, GABRIEL CHIRIAC, COSTICA NITUCA, ADRIAN PLESCA |
148 | Computer Assisted Diagnosis of Automatic Signaling Installations with Blinking Red Lights | Poster Session | SPUNEI ELISABETA, PIROI ION, MUSCAI CRISTIAN, PIROI FLORINA |
190 | Failures Analysis in the 25 kV/50 Hz Railway Substations | Poster Session | GABRIEL CHIRIAC, COSTICA NITUCA, MARICEL CARDASIM |
262 | Analysis of Hot-spots Effects on the Performances of a Photovoltaic System Used in Romania | Poster Session | GABRIEL CHIRIAC, COSTICA NITUCA, DUMITRU CUCIUREANU, ION MURGESCU |
273 | Synthesis and Analysis of PWM Inverter Output Voltages | Poster Session | CONSTANTIN S. PICA, VIRGIL MAIER, SORIN G. PAVEL, HORIA G. BELEIU |
331 | Experimental Results of Photovoltaic Emulator Systems | Poster Session | MOHAMED AMINE ABDOURRAZIQ, SARAH ABDOURRAZIQ, MOHAMED MAAROUFI, MOUHAYEDINE TLEMCANI |
333 | An Improved Fuzzy Slide Mode Control Applied to PV Systems | Poster Session | MOHAMED AMINE ABDOURRAZIQ, SARAH ABDOURRAZIQ, MOHAMED MAAROUFI |
347 | Renewable Energy in Morocco: Photovoltaic Water Pumping System | Poster Session | SARAH ABDOURRAZIQ, MED. AMINE ABDOURRAZIQ |
395 | Improved Maximum power point tracking for PV systems under partial shading conditions using single current sensor | Poster Session | SARAH ABDOURRAZIQ, MOHAMED AMINE ABDOURRAZIQ, MOHAMED MAAROUFI |
405 | Novel Method for Control of Nonlinear System Based on Negative Acceleration | Poster Session | TAREK BENMILOUD |
413 | The Principles of Determining Energy Efficiency in the Production of Agricultural Products | Poster Session | ERHAN F., BANTAS R. |
423 | Study of Conducted Electromagnetic Emissions of a Wireless Power System | Poster Session | SERGIU ANDREICA, MARIAN GLIGA, ADINA RACASAN, CALIN MUNTEANU, CLAUDIA PACURAR, CLAUDIA CONSTANTINESCU |
451 | Study, design and simulation of a laboratory module related to filters | Poster Session | BENTA MARIUS DAN, LAURA MIHAELA LELUTIU |
511 | Centralised District Heating Systems: Reality and Perspectives | Poster Session | VASILE LEU, CERNEI MIHAIL |
523 | Three parameters optimization of acting force of DC electromagnet | Poster Session | ALIN-IULIAN DOLAN |
533 | Methodologies Regarding the Application of Optimum Criteria to the Vertical Earth Grounding Design, with Rectangular Outline | Poster Session | VIRGIL MAIER, SORIN G. PAVEL, IULIAN BIROU, HORIA G. BELEIU AND CLAUDIU CIORCA |
557 | Five phase PMSG distributed winding to fractional slot concentrated winding | Poster Session | ADRIAN MUNTEANU, BOGDAN VIRLAN, LEONARD LIVADARU, ALECSANDRU SIMION |
565 | Pole magnets segmentation effect on permanent magnet synchronous generators | Poster Session | BOGDAN VIRLAN, ADRIAN MUNTEANU, LEONARD LIVADARU, ALECSANDRU SIMION |
569 | Design of a Sliding Mode Controller to Eliminate the Limit Cycle in Chaotic Van der Pol System in Comparison with State Feedback Controllers | Poster Session | SHAHZAD AHMAD, ABDUL REHMAN YASIN, ADRIAN PLESCA, USMAN YOUNIS |
604 | Computer simulation of the complex damage types of multiphase higher voltage electrical transmission lines by using the method of six symmetrical components | Poster Session | KIORSAK MICHAIL, TURCUMAN LILIA, TURTURIKA NATALYA |
616 | Faults Diagnosis in Transport and Distribution Lines Based on the Analytic Model | Poster Session | VIRGINIA IVANOV, MARIA BROJBOIU AND SERGIU IVANOV |
618 | Simple Control Strategy of the Series Filter within a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) | Poster Session | SERGIU IVANOV, MARIAN CIONTU, DUMITRU SACERDOTIANU |
620 | About a Matlab Graphical User Interface to Analyze Stresses During the Transient Regimes in the High Voltage Substations | Poster Session | MARIA BROJBOIU, VIRGINIA IVANOV |