Started like a pan-Romanian forum, the conference has grown and reached the 11th edition attracting many specialists from different countries. The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for academics, practitioners and researchers to debates new achievements or concepts, approaches and innovative practices within the continuously progressing world of electromechanical and power systems.
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NEW! The evolution of the pandemic situation forces us to strongly recommend the ONLINE PARTICIPATION at the SIELMEN 2021 Conference!
New! The conference edition is indexed by the IEEE Xplore® system (Conference Record #53755). Also, the scientific papers of the conference edition will be indexed in Web of Knowledge as ISI proceedings papers, same as the previous conference edition SIELMEN 2019.
Letter of Acquisition for the Proceedings was approved.
Alecksey ANUCHINProfessor, Head of Electric Drives Department, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia „Improving Reliability of Traction Electric Drives: Encoderless Operation and Active Thermal Control„Click here: Abstract and Speaker’s Background Lucian TOMA
Workshop Title: Applications based on Brain-Computer Interfaces (e.g. mobile robot control, rehabilitation: MindBeagle) Organizing team: Marian POBORONIUC Prof. at ”GHEORGHE ASACHI” Technical University of Iasi, Romania Danut IRIMIA Lecturer at ”GHEORGHE ASACHI” Technical University of Iasi, Romania Alina Georgiana BACIU Lecturer at ”GHEORGHE ASACHI” Technical University of Iasi, Romania Alexandru MITOCARU PhD Eng. at ”GHEORGHE ASACHI” Technical University of Iasi, Romania AbstractBrain-computer interfaces (BCI) became a very important research topic due to its novel hands-free mode of interaction with the environment. In particular, the field has seen rapid growth due to its potential for offering a new means of control for devices tailored to severely disabled and paralyzed people. Some examples include controlling: the motion of a motorized wheelchair, a semi-autonomous assistive robot, a neuroprosthesis etc.. The proposed online workshop wants to provide an inside of the requested BCI equipment for some applications as mobile robot control, rehabilitation issues (e.g. MindBeagle, RecoveriX), the setup and some experiments which are suitable to be presented online.